$70m Townsville Region Hydrogen Hub grants now open

The Regional Hydrogen Hubs Program ­– Townsville Region Grant opportunity provides eligible organisations with up to $70 million in funding to create a Hydrogen Hub to deliver clean energy.


The Regional Hydrogen Hubs Program – Townsville Region Grant opportunity will work towards achieving the Government’s Powering Australia Plan to support the adoption and production of hydrogen to help reduce Australia’s emissions by 43% by 2030.

Hydrogen hubs co-locate producers and users of hydrogen in metropolitan, regional and remote areas. The International Energy Agency and other analysts have identified the development of hydrogen hubs as a cost-effective route to achieving scale for an emerging industry.

The Townsville hub will support Australia’s transition to a clean energy economy, create jobs and encourage decarbonisation in hard-to-abate sectors, such as industrial processing and transport. The grant opportunity aims to stimulate investment in the development of the emerging Townsville hydrogen sector, and will be open to any eligible consortium with the ability to develop and implement a green hydrogen hub in the Townsville region.

The specific intended outcomes of the program are to:

  • make green hydrogen available for domestic and export use
  • establish domestic green hydrogen supply chains
  • establish green hydrogen export pathways
  • support existing industry to use green hydrogen
  • establish a new industry built around the availability of green hydrogen in the Townsville region
  • create new regional jobs and increased capability of local workforce
  • build social acceptance of green hydrogen
  • reduce the cost of green hydrogen production.

There will be a two-stage open competitive assessment process:

  • an initial expression of interest stage where the relative merit and business case of applications will be assessed
  • short listed applicants can then submit a full proposal upon invitation.

Your project must:

  • be delivered in the Townsville region
  • be aimed at establishing a hydrogen hub consisting of co-located sources of hydrogen demand and production
  • be aimed at stimulating demand and facilitating the production and use of green hydrogen for domestic and export markets, leveraging the existing industrial and/or energy resources in the region
  • have at least $60 million in eligible expenditure.

You must complete your project by 31 March 2027.

Applications close Thursday 27 April 2023.

Producers, consumers, and potential exporters of hydrogen across industrial, transport, export and energy markets are encouraged to investigate this opportunity.

For more information, including access to eligibility guidelines and sample application forms, go here.