AGIG unveils Australia's first 100% hydrogen-powered home

The Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) has introduced the nation's first hydrogen-powered home, located in the Dennis Family Homes display centre in Wollert, north of Melbourne.

HyHome. Image: Rinnai

The HyHome showcases appliances running on hydrogen instead of natural gas, demonstrating a potential transition to low-carbon energy solutions.

AGIG's CEO, Craig de Laine, sees hydrogen-compatible appliances as a step toward the energy transition, offering the benefits of gas consumption in a low-carbon future.

"We’ve known of the potential for hydrogen to be part of the renewable energy solution for industry and transport, but to demonstrate that gas appliances in the home can also run entirely on hydrogen is a game changer.

"It provides ongoing choice for households, and for the energy transition as it represents an additional source of clean energy to displace emissions and meet our net zero targets."

AGIG has collaborated with appliance manufacturers Rinnai and Electrolux to develop hydrogen-powered hot water systems, cooktops, and heating units for the HyHome.

AGIG claims their robust gas network can transport 100% hydrogen to homes in Victoria with minimal additional investment.

The unveiling of HyHome aligns with AGIG's commitment to developing a hydrogen industry in Australia, delivering renewable gas safely and reliably.

This follows AGIG's announcement of a large hydrogen production plant in Wodonga, Victoria, part of the company's low-carbon transition plan to provide hydrogen-blended renewable gas for customers.

AGIG has a low carbon vision to deliver 100% carbon-free gas by no later than 2050, with at least 10% renewable gas blends to homes and businesses by 2030, in line with emissions reduction targets.

For more information about the hydrogen appliances used in HyHome, visit the Rinnai site here.