Apply for NSW green hydrogen production concessions now

If you produce or plan to produce green hydrogen, you can apply for a range of concessions to lower your electricity costs.

Green hydrogen

Electricity is currently the largest cost input for hydrogen production, but concessions are available to subsidise outlay. By taking advantage of these concessions, you can produce green hydrogen at a lower cost and be more competitive with incumbent fuels.

These concessions are a key commitment under the NSW Hydrogen Strategy to create a commercial green hydrogen industry in NSW and accelerate uptake across transport, industry, and energy.

There are 2 groups of concessions available for green hydrogen producers:

  1. exemptions for schemes levied on electricity consumers
  2. discounts on charges for electricity network services.

You can apply for multiple concessions at one time through a single application form. You can apply for the concessions and receive approval confirmation during project development to help inform a final investment decision.

Read the application process for green hydrogen concessions paper to learn more.