Biomethane and hydrogen to be showcased in the kitchen on MasterChef Australia

The latest season of cooking competition TV MasterChef Australia is demonstrating carbon neutral biomethane and hydrogen gas for cooking tasks, foreshadowing a significant shift in energy consumption.


MasterChef Australia's latest season is taking a novel approach to cooking by partnering with Australian Gas Networks (AGN), Jemena, ATCO, and Solstice to introduce carbon neutral biomethane and hydrogen gas into the kitchen.

Biomethane, derived from organic waste, is the star of the show, being piped into the MasterChef kitchen to fuel stoves and ovens. Meanwhile, hydrogen gas takes the spotlight in a unique BBQ challenge, bringing a clean-burning alternative to this beloved Aussie pastime.

With AGN as a sponsor, the show serves as a platform to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of using biomethane and hydrogen gases, inspiring both home cooks and professional chefs to adopt more sustainable methods.

"This is an incredible two-year partnership with AGN that has created a first-of-its-kind kitchen in Australia that we know will lead the way for new homes and commercial kitchens across the country," commented Cameron Mudge, General Manager & Sales Director Adelaide, Paramount Australia.

"It also shows the impactful, long-term pathways we can create for our sponsors to showcase and integrate their brands in our shows and inspire Australians."

Cathryn McArthur, Executive General Manager Customer and Strategy at AGN said: “We know Australians love to cook with gas whether that’s in their homes or outdoors on BBQs.

"Carbon neutral biomethane and hydrogen on MasterChef Australia, shows that we can keep cooking the way we know and love with fewer emissions than natural gas."

"It’s a practical demonstration of a low carbon solution that can be delivered by existing gas networks to support Australia’s transition to net zero,” added Cathryn.

To read more details about projects that see AGN delivering blended gas to kitchens, head to their website here.