Briefing Paper: The Hunter's future lies in reinvention as zero-emissions manufacturing hub

Beyond Zero Emissions research has found The Hunter has more than enough potential new energy resources to power a Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct

Video supplied by Beyond Zero Emissions

As a zero-emissions manufacturing hub, the Hunter can secure its continued reputation as a global force in energy says a new briefing paper from independent think tank Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE).

BZE have found the Hunter has more than enough potential new energy resources for existing industry giants to decarbonise, and enough to fast-track new green industries. This briefing paper also shows how many Hunter businesses are already charging ahead in green manufacturing with cutting-edge products for the new energy economy.

The development of a Hunter Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct is central to realising Australia’s $333 billion a year potential in renewable energy exports and ensures the Hunter will remain prosperous in the global move to zero emissions.

To read more, and download the BZE paper, go to their website here.