Climate Change Authority seeks input on Australia's emissions targets, pathways and progress

The Climate Change Authority is reaching out to stakeholders and the wider public for feedback on Australia's emissions reduction targets and the pathways to achieve them.

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The Climate Change Authority (CCA) has outlined its plans to advise the government on key aspects of Australia's climate action agenda. This includes setting emissions reduction targets for 2035, developing sectoral pathways, and assessing progress towards becoming a net-zero economy by 2050.

The authority is inviting Australians to respond to an issues paper titled "Targets, Pathways and Progress," which outlines the CCA's latest thinking on emissions reduction targets and sectoral pathways. The paper includes 14 questions for consideration and encourages sharing personal perspectives and experiences with climate change.

Brad Archer, CEO of the authority, emphasized the importance of ambitious yet achievable targets. "The evidence we have considered so far suggests a 2035 emissions reduction target in the range of 65% to 75% below 2005 levels would be ambitious, and could be achievable if additional action is taken by governments, business, investors and households," Archer stated.

The CCA is conducting a review of technology transitions and emissions pathways for six sectors: electricity and energy, transport, industry and waste, agriculture and land, resources, and the built environment. This review aims to support Australia's transition to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Archer highlighted the comprehensive approach taken by the authority. "In developing our advice we are looking at the latest science, economic data, technological developments, and the opportunities and impacts for Australians, including First Nations peoples and those in rural and regional areas," he said.

The CCA's effort aligns with Australia's commitment to the Paris Agreement, ensuring the nation's contributions to global climate action. Stakeholders are encouraged to participate in shaping Australia's future in sustainable energy and emissions reduction by making a submission.

Submissions can be made via the Climate Change Authority Consultation Hub until 17:00 AEST on May 14, 2024. The CCA aims to provide its advice on sectoral pathways by August 1 and on 2035 emissions reduction targets later this year.

To read more, and make a submission, go to the CCA website here.