Foton Mobility partners with TAFEs and Universities to enable zero emissions vehicle uptake
Foton Mobility have signed Deeds of Collaboration with a number of major national education and vocational training Institutions to facilitate the upskilling of trades to support the growth of zero emissions vehicles, with particular focus on the Bus and Heavy Transport Industries.

Foton Mobility Distribution (FMD) are the exclusive Australian Distributors of Foton New Energy commercial transport vehicles, including the T5 Light Duty Electric truck, Electric Vans, Battery Electric and Hydrogen Fuel Cell City buses, soon to be joined by Hydrogen Prime Movers.
FMD have also recently acquired the exclusive Australian Distributorship for Asiastar New Energy Commercial vehicles, including the about to be launched Eurise D11 5.9m Electric Van.
To facilitate the uptake of these vehicles, FMD will partner with TAFE NSW, TAFE Queensland, South West TAFE (Vic), Federation University, Deakin University (Victoria) TAS TAFE, TAFE SA, South Metropolitan TAFE WA, MTA (NSW) and MTA (Qld) to work on developing training programs and accreditations to meet the needs of the Transport industry.
Whilst acknowledging that skills shortages exist across the broader economy, the partnerships intend to address this by creating a pathway for already technically trained workers to maintain and upgrade their skills in the repair and maintenance of both battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell zero emissions vehicles (FCEV’s), whilst offering entry-level skills training to attract workers across to the new opportunities in the green economy of the future.
The agreements provide the basis and framework for the parties to work together to identify, develop and implement any mutually beneficial educational and training opportunities and projects, in support of both State, Territory and Federal Government zero emissions policies.
Additionally, the parties seek, where possible, to develop a nationally consistent and recognised curriculum catering specifically for the maintenance and operation of new energy vehicles.