New round of Regional Job Creation Fund open now

Under Round 3, grants will range from $100,000 to $10,000,000 to help businesses create and retain jobs to support ongoing economic prosperity in regional NSW.

Regional jobs

The $100 million Regional Job Creation Fund (RJCF) Round 3 will support existing regional NSW businesses, or those seeking to relocate to regional NSW as they adapt to technological change, meet evolving supply chain distribution demands and leverage their strengths to drive ongoing productivity and regional economic development.

Funded projects will create and maintain regional jobs, diversify regional economies, and provide skills, and training opportunities, including for young people, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals and people with disability.

Eligible projects could include the:

  • replacement, upgrade or adaptation of plant and equipment including technology or energy efficiency upgrades
  • establishment of an additional production line for an existing regional NSW business
  • onshoring in a regional NSW location of activity currently done overseas
  • development of new regionally significant and/or iconic tourism experiences and visitor attractions creating new inter-state or international demand in the region (without impacting other NSW tourism businesses)
  • relocating or expanding a business operation from out-of-state or internationally to regional NSW

This round will involve a two-stage application process. The first, an Expression of Interest (EOI) which is to be completed using the SmartyGrants Portallaunch. Applicants may submit more than one EOI for eligible projects.

All EOIs will be assessed against the Eligibility and Assessment criteria and suitable projects will be invited to progress to Stage 2.

Stage 2 of the application process is the completion of a Detailed Application where further project information is required. Only Eligible applicants will be invited to submit a Detailed Application.

Expression of Interest applications close 5pm (AEDT) Monday 6 March 2023.

For more information on eligibility and application links, go to the NSW Government website here.