Symposium hears gender equality and diversity will aid energy evolution
To celebrate International Women’s Day, Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen hosted a Women in Energy and Climate Symposium at Australian Parliament House on 9 March 2023.

Women from across the energy and climate sectors spoke about how gender equality and diversity will help Australia achieve its energy and climate ambitions.
Equality Initiative Ambassador and Chair of the Australian Energy Market Commission Anna Collyer said the sector will achieve better solutions by embracing gender, culture, age, ethnicity and life experience diversity.
“We need every available talent, every kind of perspective, applied to the fundamental transformation of the energy sector for us to reach net zero by 2050,” Ms Collyer said.
“Overcoming the barriers to STEM qualifications and careers for women is a critical priority, and it remains a priority for all of us.”
Member of First Nations Clean Energy Network and Executive Director of Original Power Karrina Nolan said diverse perspectives in the energy and climate sectors will help to ensure all households have access to secure and affordable energy.
“The transition [to clean energy] is a moment in which we ensure that every single First Nations household right across the nation can access solar, batteries and clean, affordable power,” Ms Nolan said.
“At the First Nations Clean Energy Network, we believe that if we can get in front of it and work with industry, we can lift the aspirations of the whole sector.”
Ms Collyer said we need to address the barriers for sectors to attract talent and a range of perspectives into their workplaces.
“In order to harness that talent in our organisations, we need to diagnose our particular barriers, learn from others how we can do things differently to overcome those barriers and then put real resources behind the solutions,” Ms Collyer said.