2nd Hydrogen Connect Summit 2023
The 2nd Hydrogen Connect 2023 Summit in Brisbane promises to be bigger, better, and resolute, in achieving the best outcomes for all the industry players.

Engage with organisations from:
- Resources Companies
- Feedstock Providers including Solar, Wind, Wave and other Clean Stock Providers
- Large Scale and Early Transition Energy Industry Users representing:
- Transport
- Heavy Haul
- Mining
- Public Transport
- Ports and Shipping
- Rail
- Logistics
- Mining
- Fertiliser
- Cement
- Iron and Steel
- Ammonia
- Fuel Retailers
- Energy Generators, including, Power, Gas, Hydrogen and Renewables
- Energy Wholesalers and Retailers, including Power, Gas, Hydrogen and Renewables
- Infrastructure Design, Planning and Project Decision Makers
- Engineering, OEM and Technology Providers representing:
- Electrolysis Technology
- Fuel Cell Technology
- Refining Technology
- Liquid and Gas Storage Technology
- Shipping Technology
- Future Hydrogen Energy Start-ups
- Companies Committed to Sustainability
- Investment Companies
- Banks
- SUPA’s
- Funding Agencies
- Entrepreneurs
- Energy Consultants
- International, National and Local Policy Makers
- Government, Agencies, Regulators and Policy Makers
- Public and Private Sector Sponsors
- Tech and Commerce Advisors
- Infrastructure Providers
- Pipelines
- Ports
- Hydrogen Highway Fuel Outlets