Powering Business 2050 Summit

Business Hunter's inaugural POWERING BUSINESS 2050: Emerging Industries and the Future of Work is the preeminent future workforce strategy Summit in NSW.

Business Hunter

Right now, building a workforce pipeline and aligning workforce skills is the number one concern for business. The Inaugural POWERING BUSINESS 2050: Emerging Industries and the Future of Work Summit will deliver the platform for information sharing, futurist trends and an evidence-base for strategic business growth and development, and connect members, governments and communities across the skills pipeline.

The Summit will explore opportunities in key existing and emerging workforce streams and deliver targeted content, engagement opportunities and evidence-based advice from government, public and private sectors, businesses and industry to analyse and address the full spectrum of business growth potential in the Hunter: start-ups and entrepreneurs, small-to-medium enterprise, corporations, and big industry.

For more information visit the Powering Business Summit.