Hunter Innovation Festival
A full program of events with a showcase of innovation happening now and coming to the Hunter Region.

Hunter Innovation Festival has joined forces with the national Spark Festival to shine a spotlight on the region at the event which is happening on Wednesday 12 October 2022.
The manufactures meet the makers, the developers meet the distributors, the industry experts meet the educators. This is a great opportunity to learn from each other and for everyone to come along and be inspired by what is happening right here in our own backyard.
2022 themes include:
- Emerging technology
- Medical technology
- Talent acquisition and retention
- Renewable energy transition
- Sovereign manufacturing
- Local supply chain
- Circular economy
- Investment and funding
Speakers and panellists include:
- Heidi Lee, CEO of Beyond Zero Emissions – Renewable energy industrial precincts, regional decarbonisation and manufacturing
- Future of regional innovation panel with with Deputy Lord Mayor of Newcastle Declan Clausen, Ivan Waterfield CEO of HunterNet and Rod Henderson MD of Ampcontrol
- How does a transitioning economy fuel sustainability panel with Heidi Lee CEO Beyond Zero Emissions, and Simon Byrnes Chief Commercial Officer Port of Newcastle.
- Fred Reis, CEO Milltech Martin Bright – Sovereign manufacturing’s critical importance to the Hunter
- Aaron McEwan, RMIT / Gartner – How the Hunter can compete on an international scale in the war on talent
- Lisa Foster, Partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers – How to fund future innovators and infrastructure
- Adam Clarke, Manager Planning and Policy Energy Corporation NSW – What’s the Hunter Renewable Energy Zone?
- Prof Paul Dastoor, University of Newcastle’s Centre of Organic Electronics – Designing medical devices for the world
- Dr Jessica Allen – What is emerging at the edges of technology