Indonesia Market Awareness Event
HunterNet invites you to attend our upcoming Market Awareness Event on the 20th of June highlighting the opportunities available in Indonesia.

This event is organised by METS Ignited and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
This is a free event open to everyone (Catering Provided), tickets are limited.
- Australia Embassy or Austrade Jakarta Representative
- Chris Knowles - Business Development Manager - McLanahan
- Successful case studies from Australian METS will be outlined as well
Indonesia is a key producer of hydrocarbons, copper, gold, nickel, tin, bauxite, and thermal coal (41% of global supply).
It has been a successful export market for Australian METS companies, ranging from communication equipment to software to turnkey solutions providers. Indonesia is now looking for new sources of Australian expertise that can apply solutions across complex supply chains to move up the value-added curve.
Indonesian companies are increasingly technologically savvy and invest in research technology, and this may present opportunities for upcoming and established Australian providers. Indonesia is taking economic reform seriously and is implementing laws that will provide increased certainty and opportunity for foreign investors.
The 2020 Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement provides additional benefits for Australian investors including enhanced equity stake provisions and dispute resolution mechanisms.
To help Australian businesses know more about these opportunities, HunterNet invite you to a special presentation to learn more about these opportunities.
For more information visit the METS Ignited webpage.