Industry Briefing
This industry briefing will begin with a short regional economic update from Ai Group Regional Manager Trevor Stuart

1. Trevor Stuart – Regional Manager – Ai Group (20mins)
- A short regional economic update.
- A quick look at key policies and positions related to the upcoming federal election.
2. Shona D’Arbon & Angela Bryant - Senor Advisers – Workplace Relations – Ai Group (20-30mins)
- Shona and Angela will provide a briefing on topical COVID-related IR issues.
3. Tennant Reid - Principal Adviser National Public Policy - Ai Group (20-30mins)
Tennant will provide an overview of:
- Potential impact of carbon border taxes for SME’s
- Which export markets look like heading toward any new ‘carbon tax’?
- Steps business should be taking now to mitigate risk
- The upcoming federal election: what business needs to know.
4. Ashden Saege - Commercial Manager - Port of Newcastle (20mins)
- Ashden will provide an update on the Hygrogen generation project at the Port of Newcastle.
o The feasibility study into the initial 40 MW hub will determine a broad and comprehensive range of potential use cases for green hydrogen in the region, which build on the Hunter’s strong industrial heritage. These include mobility, bunkering, energy production, and industrial uses at the scale necessary to position the Hunter at the centre of the emerging global green hydrogen opportunity. Developing these use cases would support the creation of local jobs during construction and operations, the development of new industries and contribute to Australia’s long-term economic and energy security.
5. Questions and discussion
The current COVID Policy at Hexham Bowling Club is as follows:
• Everyone must be double vaccinated to enter
• Masks must be worn downstairs unless eating or drinking
• Please abide by the 1:2 square meter rule