New Energy and Newcastle’s Future

The next public forum hosted by the Newcastle Institute brings together three prominent experts on different aspects of the ‘New Energy’ future for our region.

July Newcastle Institute 22

Newcastle is the biggest coal port in the world; a leading research centre in energy science and technology; and many of the region’s jobs are dependent on energy-intensive industries.

But this is changing dramatically. BHP has just announced the planned closure of the Mount Arthur Coal mine; Instability in energy supply threatens blackouts and viability of some industries; International Coal trade is forecast to fall rapidly over the next two decades. The State Government is investing heavily in Renewable Energy Zones across the state. In April, the Liberal Federal Government established a ‘Green Hydrogen’ hub in the Hunter, now supported by the new ALP Government.

Despite these realities, it has been difficult to find unbiased, rational discussion of what is going to happen in the near future and how the Hunter Region will be affected.

The Expert Panel is:-

· Dr Jessica Allen; University of Newcastle. Jess is a leading electro-chemistry engineer, science communicator, and researcher focusing on solar hydrogen technologies, direct carbon fuel cells, and carbon-negative technologies.

· Adam Clarke, Adam is Manager, Policy & Planning, in the Energy Corporation at NSW Treasury. He is leading the implementation of ‘Renewable Energy Zones’ across the state. He was recently awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study similar projects internationally.

· Warrick Jordan, Coordinator, Hunter Jobs Alliance. Warrick focusses on the jobs, employment and social implications for the region’s future.

Our panelists will present their perspectives on these and other questions:

· What is ‘Green Hydrogen’, and is it a really a future industry for the Hunter?

· What infrastructure and engineering solutions are needed to stabilise energy supply?

· What is the State Government doing with ‘Renewable Energy Zones’

· What will be the future jobs, and what jobs will disappear?

· How can our Governments ensure a ‘just transition’ for the Region into the ‘New Energy future?

They will then join with the audience in a broad discussion of the ‘New Energy’ future in Newcastle.

The Forum is open to the public. A donation of $10 is requested from non-members.