Newcastle Climate Action Summit
The Climate Action Summit is a one-day workshop to create Newcastle's first city-wide emission reduction plan.

Australian cities need to reduce their Greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50% by 2030 to play our part in the global effort to keep warming to less than 1.5 degrees, consistent with the Paris targets. Each year, the City of Newcastle emits more than 2 million tonnes of Greenhouse gases, mostly from electricity consumption, transport, gas and waste 5%. What actions can we commit to, as a city, to reduce these emissions?
You don't need to be an expert! The summit will engage community groups, government agencies and industry in a lively discussion to unleash creativity, generate ideas and build commitment. If you're someone who takes action to reduce Greenhouse gas emissions, or someone who makes policies and plans, this Summit is for you! Together, shape a comprehensive Emission Reduction Strategy for Newcastle. Newcastle Climate Change Response would love to hear your ideas!
Registration has been kept to a minimum, to cover costs, and includes a healthy lunch and refreshments. Please contact organisers if cost is a barrier.
Newcastle's Climate Action Summit is an initiative of Climate Action Newcastle and Newcastle Climate Change Response, two local not-for-profit community groups. It is funded by donations and led by volunteers.