NewH2 Knowledge Exchange

Come along to our next NewH2 Knowledge Exchange focusing upon Investment, innovation in investment and innovative Startups.

March New H2 Know Ex

Emerging from the shadow of coal, the ideal future for jobs and wellbeing in our communities will be one grounded in a thriving Hunter-based ecosystem of ideas and investment that grows and scales new enterprises and employment opportunity, leveraging our unique regional strengths.

The Hunter JO has developed a policy proposal for a placed-based investment fund and ecosystem management initiative, seeking to make the Hunter more attractive to future founders and investors. We are currently advocating to State Government for investment and building awareness and support for the initiative within the region.



Joe James is CEO of both The Hunter Joint Organisation and Arrow.

The Hunter Joint Organisation supports the ten Councils to develop policy and undertake advocacy on shared strategic priorities for the region. Arrow is a specialist service provider to the local government market across all of NSW.

Joe has previously held leadership roles in the NSW public sector, working across the spectrum of port infrastructure policy, investment and delivery. He commenced his professional life as a corporate lawyer.

Blake Almond is a Newcastle-based Executive Director for Circ Partners.

Circ Partners works with institutional infrastructure investors and project sponsors to develop, fund and deliver $500m+ greenfield circular economy and energy transition infrastructure projects.

Circ Partners specialises in bioenergy infrastructure projects, particularly those that combine sustainable hydrogen and carbon from biomass with hydrogen from green electricity to produce liquid and gaseous fuels critical to energy transition in industry.

Blake previously spent 10 years with Macquarie Capital where he was ultimately part of the Green Investment Group which funds and delivers green energy infrastructure projects globally.

Clint Bruin - Lyqyd is a chartered professional engineer, Investor & CTO Partner of "The Melt".

Growing up in outback NSW, Clint came to Newcastle to study engineering at the University and now has over 30 years as an engineering entrepreneur and innovator. For much of his career he has owned and operated industrial automation business as well as lead innovation and product commercialisation for large manufacturing. He is currently a Partner in the Melt, a group dedicated to the advancement and investment into hardware based innovation in the region.

Clint has always seen Newcastle as a place of opportunity for people to grow and thrive in their careers. He wants to see the opportunities he was fortunate to have to continue as we work towards a sustainable future and proactively enable the energy transition.

Clint will be presenting project "Lyqyd" which explores novel approaches to making sure participation and investment in our new economies is inclusive and accessible to everyone.

Click here for the LYQYD Whitepaper 2023