NSW Government Clean Manufacturing Precinct EOI Briefing
Clean Manufacturing Precinct roadmap EOIs are now open

As part of Net Zero Industry and Innovation the NSW Government are supporting the development of clean manufacturing precincts (CMPs) to fast track the decarbonising of high emitting industries and set the foundation to attract and create new, low carbon industries.
The NSW Government are now seeking expressions of interest (EOI) to develop CMP decarbonisation roadmaps.
This is a competitive funding process to provide services to develop subsector, precinct or regional industrial decarbonisation roadmaps and implementation plans in the Hunter and Illawarra.
Join one of these briefing sessions to receive a presentation on tender process and the intent behind establishing clean manufacturing precincts. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. Each session will provide the same information and attendance is optional.
Session 1:
Date: Wednesday 20 October
Session 2:
Date: Tuesday 26 October 2021
Registrations close 48 hours before each event and a link to join the session will be sent to registered attendees 24 hours in advance.
For application guidelines, the EOI form and further details, please visit https://www.energysaver.nsw.gov.au/reducing-emissions-nsw/net-zero-industry-and-innovation/clean-manufacturing-precinct-decarbonisation-roadmaps