Pathways Toward Netzero
In advance of COP26, CEDA gather experts to analyse and debate the options available to meet community expectations and protect the environment while balancing the ongoing energy transition.

There are growing commitments among Australian business and governments to work towards emissions reduction targets and hasten our energy transition.
Moving forward Australia needs a clear, shared roadmap that translates intent into action, coordinates efforts across sectors and drives collaboration between governments, communities, industries and stakeholders. This CEDA forum brings together leaders of Governments and private sector companies that are forging pathways toward net zero to consider:
- The cost of achieving net zero – and the cost of not reaching it at all. How do we build in resilience and what does it mean for business and planning?
- The policy prescription for action - is there really only one pathway forward, or are there multiple options to be considered and progressed?
- The rigour and integrity of the evidence base we employ to inform future decision making – how do we generate and operate from a point of shared understanding and?;
- The shared responsibility to take meaningful action while safeguarding our economic development and prospects for generations to come.
- The Hon. Angus Taylor MP, Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction
- The Hon. Dr Steven Miles MP, Deputy Premier of Queensland, and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
- Paul Gleeson, Group Director Sustainability and Managing Director Energy, Resources and Water, Aurecon
- Richard Bolt, Principal, Nous Group