Port of Newcastle Deepwater Container Terminal Project
Presenter - Matthew Swan - Executive Manager Business Development, Port of Newcastle

Appointed as the Port’s Executive Manager Business Development, Matthew has responsibility for the commercial aspects of the large-scale projects Port of Newcastle is now pursuing including the Newcastle Deepwater Container Terminal project which forms part of the Port’s diversification strategy. Matthew is also responsible for leading the growth and diversification of the Port’s product and customer base, with a focus on long-term sustainability.
Mr. Swan was appointed Acting Executive Manager Business Development in November 2020. He is responsible for leading the growth and diversification of our product and customer base, with a focus on long-term sustainability. He has been at the Port of Newcastle for five years, working across the Finance, Commercial and Business Development teams.
Mr Swan is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and holds a Bachelor of Finance/Commerce (Hons) from the University of Newcastle. Prior to working at the Port, Mr Swan worked over 10 years in chartered accounting, predominantly in corporate finance completing mergers and acquisition, valuation, and financial modelling assignments for clients.
Who should attend?
• Sales Managers
• Commercial Contracts Managers
• Suppliers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Import / Export and other supply chain businesses