Renewybeers - Networking with Energy - December 2022 edition
The X-mas edition of 'Renewybeers' renewable energy industry networking event

Industry professionals from the Solar, Wind, Hydrogen, Energy Storage and Emerging Energy sectors are invited to attend this free and informal networking event.
After the success of the first few 'Renewybeers', the event will be held again in Newcastle, NSW; this time in at the beer garden behind Jams Karaoke & Bar. Proceedings will start at 5PM.
Tickets are free but limited. Registration online is mandatory for entry on the night. Tickets will be provided on a 'first to register basis'. To avoid disappointment we suggest booking online at the earliest opportunity.
If your company would like to contribute to the bar tab (not compulsory), contributions can be made online during registration and on the night. A reminder e-mail will be sent thanking the sponsors prior to the event.
For more information go to: