Scaling up advanced biofuels production
This webinar gives an overview on the status of demonstration plants and commercialization progress of advanced biofuels, introduces the BioTheRoS project and highlights two thermochemical conversion routes for the production of SAF or maritime fuels.

Scaling up advanced biofuels production is a global challenge in terms of environmental, social, and economic sustainability, which can benefit from international collaboration and knowledge exchange.
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 is monitoring and tracking demonstration plants and commercialization progress of advanced biofuels in the member countries and worldwide for several years now. The status of facilities for the production of advanced liquid and gaseous biofuels for transport are mapped and developments are highlighted. Through the use of thermochemical conversion technologies, the BioTheRoS Project aims to develop a comprehensive approach that will accelerate the production of sustainable biofuels. Two thermochemical biofuel production technologies form the core value chains of the BioTheRoS project: pyrolysis and gasification.
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