Testing business ideas viability
Is your business idea going to be financially viable?

You know your customers are going to love your products and service but is your business idea going to be financially viable? Having your own business is so much hard and enjoyable work, so you want to know before you start that you will be making a profit and earning the money you need to enjoy your life.
Learning Outcomes:
• Understand what your time is worth per hour and what you want to earn per year
• Explore simple pricing strategies
• Test your theories and see if your numbers stack using our simple Sales Mix + cashflow spreadsheet provided
Who is this for?:
• People that have a business idea and are not sure how to check if the numbers stack
• Small Business Intenders and Start Ups
• Those wanting to introduce a new product or service to their existing business
Your presenter: Peter Hollingsworth, Business Advisor Trainer and Mentor
With a vast and varied career in retail, franchises and owning and operating several of his own businesses, Pete is our go-to-guy when it comes to training for people looking at starting their own enterprises.
This is an Online Workshop, you will need a computer and Wifi and be willing to get involved, turn your camera on and learn from the best.
Businesses/Individuals must be NSW based