University of Sydney Net Zero Initiative Launch
Hear from NSW Treasurer and Minister for Energy the Hon. Matt Kean MP as University of Sydney launch their approach to accelerating Australia’s path to net zero emissions.

When: Friday 18 March, from 11:00am - 12:10pm
Where: Online via live stream. You will receive a link to access the live stream a few days prior to the event.
Host: The University of Sydney
RSVP: 25 February
The University of Sydney (USYD) proudly invite you to the launch of the Net Zero Initiative, a multi-disciplinary approach to accelerating Australia’s path to net zero emissions, on Friday, 18 March.
Highlights of the event will include the NSW Minister for Energy and Environment Matt Kean explaining the NSW Net Zero Plan, an industry panel discussion led by NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte examining commercially viable emissions reduction technologies, and a breakdown of the vision – including how you can play a role in it.
The pursuit of net zero emissions and a sustainable future for our planet is amongst the greatest challenges of our time, and decades of research excellence is playing an important role to help tackle it.
The University of Sydney, with research expertise spanning the areas of renewable energy, climate change modelling and low emissions technologies, has already spawned several successful start-ups and established many lasting global partnerships based on the mutual intent for action.
They are keen to start meaningful conversations with more industry and government bodies and find out how they can support other bodies in achieving their goals in this space.
By working together, the goal is to address the urgent need for swift and widespread commercialisation and adoption at scale of existing and emerging zero and low emission technologies.
The University of Sydney look forward to you joining the event and exploring potential innovative partnerships that accelerate the path to net zero for the benefit of all.
USYD commenced their Net Zero Initiative internally in 2021 by joining together the research expertise in this area from the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Science, Sydney Business School and Sydney Law School. This year, USYD look forward to expanding on this by working with new partners both externally in industry and internally within their own university community.
Working in a multi-disciplinary setting, more than 50 researchers are presently focusing on four core pillars:
• Climate change risk
• Carbon removal
• Emissions avoidance through zero emissions energy
• Emissions avoidance through demand reduction